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Bedford judge suspended after charges he ran prostitution ring is protected by Bedford court, Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice O'Connor assigned retired judge Suster as stand-in to allegedly continue the harassment of Blacks, women, with NAACP support

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From The Metro Desk of Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, Ohio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper and Newspaper Blog, Tel: (216) 659-0473 ( / (


BEDFORD, Ohio- In spite of a suspension of disqualification from the bench last year by the Ohio Supreme Court of former Bedford Municipal Court Judge Harry Jacob (pictured) due to a Cuyahoga County Grand Jury indictment on charges of bribery, tampering with evidence and a host of other felonies, and in spite of other embarrassing charges, including that he boldly pimped Black and other women through a prostitution ring and that he fixed cases, the court's website describes pimp Jacob as an upstanding citizen and community advocate. (Editor's note: Bedford law director and prosecutor Ken Schuman has resigned. He took paid leave in November, some two months before an indictment on soliciting, bribery and theft in office. Also, Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen O'Connor, a Republican like Jacob, has assigned retired Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas Judge Ronald Suster as a $500 -a-day stand-in to allegedly continue Jacob's and the court's illegal harassment of Blacks and women. Suster is accused of issuing illegal warrants, harassing Black women and denying Blacks and women indigent counsel as a high paid visiting judge, among other alleged illegalities, sources say, and with the alleged support of O'Connor. The chief justice is also accused of handpicking and paying retired visiting judges in the Berea Municipal Court, who also deny indigent Blacks counsel and have allegedly said that they are doing what the Ohio Supreme Court has told them to do.  All of this is allegedly occurring with support by attorneys for the Cleveland NAACP, namely Cleveland criminal defense attorneys Michael Nelson Sr. and James Hardman, both getting monies for their law firms from the office of the Cuyahoga County prosecutor and others to allegedly cover up the public corruption, data show. Both Berea and Bedford are suburbs of Cleveland).

In fact, his [Jacob's] court website curriculum vita, if you will, says also that Jacob "has been appointed by the Ohio Supreme Court to the commission on continuing legal education and his peers have elected him secretary-treasurer of the Northern Ohio Judges Association."

Asked by Cleveland Urban News.Com, Ohio's leading digital Black newspaper, why Jacob is still put out as a judge though he has been suspended for pimping women and other alleged crimes, court personnel directed questions to Clerk of Court Tom Day, also allegedly involved in criminal activity, data show, but still on the job doing in Blacks and others too.

Jacob has pleaded not guilty to all charges and hired prominent Cleveland lawyer Kevin Spellacy to represent him.

The other judge on the Bedford Municipal Court, Brian Melling, is still hanging around too, doing in Blacks and others also, an investigation reveals, and as a White man, like Day, that is accused of thinking that he too, like Jacob, is above the law.

Melling and Day have harassed Blacks that come before the Bedford court, data show,  denying some of them counsel though deeming them indigent, and unless they go along with the program. Sources say that both have been caught bragging that they have the support of area Black leaders and politicians and the Cleveland NAACP, more specifically Cleveland criminal defense attorneys Michael Nelson Sr. and James Hardiman, relative to their anti-Black and anti-Democratic malfeasance. Nelson, say sources, says that he will do whatever it takes to keep monies coming into his law firm, even if he has to sell out the Cleveland NAACP and harass and defame Black women that come to him for help around the public corruption.

Jacob, 57,  did the same thing, data also show, but to a more heightened level.

A recent raid by law enforcement authorities at the former judge's house where he lives  in Solon, Ohio brought more incriminating evidence, data show, and monies allegedly stashed in vents and throughout the Jacob family home.

The city of Bedford has a population of some 13,000 people, and is roughly 44 percent Black.

The Bedford court handles cases from 14 different diverse locations including Bedford itself, neighboring Bedford Heights, and Chagrin Falls, Bentleyville, Chagrin Township, Cleveland Metro Parks, Glen Willow, Highland Hills, Moreland Hills, North Randall, Oakwood Village, Orange, Solon and Warrensville Heights. They are all among the 59 municipalities, villages and townships of Cuyahoga County, Ohio's largest of 88 counties, and of which is roughly 29 percent Black.

Jacob, say his foes, is so flagrantly disrespectful of the law that anything that goes on in the Bedford Municipal Court, particularly where Blacks are concerned, is suspect, and wreaks of a prejudicial and hostile judicial environment detrimental to the community and to the administration of justice.

Whether the federal government will intervene and take over the Bedford court where Blacks are disproportionately prosecuted, given the malfeasance and clear danger to the Black community and others, remains to be seen.


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