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Congresswoman Marcia Fudge takes on child obesity, introduces Fit for Life Act of 2014, will hold media briefing today, May 30

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WASHINGTON, DC- On yesterday 11th Congressional District Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge (OH-11), a Warrensville Heights Democrat who also chairs  the Congressional Black Caucus of Blacks in Congress,  introduced the Fit for Life Act of 2014, propsed legislation to combat the childhood obesity epidemic.  She said in a press release to Cleveland Urban News.Com, Ohio's most read digital Black newspaper, that she will hold a media briefing at at the Cannon House Office Building in Washington, D.C. Friday morning, May 30, along with Hilary Shelton, the NAACP Washington Bureau Director and senior vice president for advocacy, Katie Adamson, senior director of health partnerships and policy for the YMCA of the USA, and Linda Howard,  CEO of Alternative Fitness. Click here for a section-by-section breakdown of Fit for Life

The bill increases access to healthy foods, expands prevention and treatment options for low-income children, and increases opportunities for physical activity for America's youth.

According to Fudge, data show that nearly one third of all children in this country are overweight or obese –a rate that has tripled over the past fifty years and that disproportionately impacts at-risk communities.

Left unchecked, says the congresswoman, obesity threatens to create the first generation of Americans with shorter life expediencies than their parents. She urged Congress to pass the bill.

"This country must break the cycle of childhood obesity," said Fudge, whose congressional district includes parts of the cities of Cleveland and Akron, Cleveland's eastern suburbs of Cuyahoga County, and staggering parts of Akron's Summit County suburbs.  "Unless we reverse course, this epidemic will continue to put more of our children and the future of our nation at risk.  I encourage my colleagues to stand with me in this fight and cosponsor the Fit for Life Act."

Fit for Life Act of 2014 supports mobile healthy food programs, expands access to healthy foods for children in child care, and increases coverage for obesity prevention and treatment options for low-income children.  To promote physical activity, it boosts funding for the National Youth Sports Program,  and expands opportunities to take part in joint use agreements, opening existing facilities in low-income areas to community use.

Fit for Life Act of 2014 is backed by the Campaign to End Obesity Action Fund, the American Council on Exercise, the National Coalition for Promoting Physical Activity, the National Recreation and Park Association and National Council of Youth Sports, Action for Healthy Kids, and the U.S. Soccer Foundation.

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