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Back Home continues to lie about Women's March Cleveland as to the number of people attending the annual event, and Black women organizers believe its coverage is racist, the 2019 march drawing nearly 2500 people and the 2020 march 400

  • PDF and, Ohio's most read digital Black newspaper and Black blog, both also at the top in Black digital news in the Midwest. Tel: (216) 659-0473. Email:, the online affiliate of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Ohio's largest newspaper, continues to lie about the number of participants for  annual women's marches in Cleveland, data show, and organizers say it is allegedly racist as is the overall coverage.

"Last year they did an article saying we had 750 people and the reporter covering the story, Mary Kilpatrick, said in a video of this year's march that last year we had a thousand , and in actuality it was about 2500 people,"said  Women's March Cleveland 2020 organizer Kathy Wray Coleman, a key organizer of the annual women's march in Cleveland since 2018

This year she did an article and lied and said we only had 200 people, when it was nearly 400," Coleman said.

Coleman said that Kilpatrick also refuses to mention Black organizers and her video this year is full of practically all White people she interviewed.

White organizers of events are routinely mentioned by, says Coleman.

"Last year I had to call an editor to get a Black female elected official in the article by Kilpatrick like a White one, and they only added me as an organizer after White women complained."

Since the first women's march in Cleveland in 2017, no Black reporters have covered the event for either or the Plain Dealer.

In 2018 a White male reporter covering the event did not mention or quote one Black, and at least six Black women spoke, and Coleman was the opening speaker.

Moreover, said Coleman, Cleveland is a largely Black city, and it makes no sense for to continue to marginalize Black people with its unfair reporting.

Complaints on the issue to higher-ups are basically ignored, the organizer said.


Coleman said that "Other than Spectrum News 1, Cleveland's racist mainstream media chose this year to feature men and Whites in their television and newspaper coverage instead of black organizers and would not effectively address the serial murders of Black women, even though Sowell and his attorney are currently seeking a new appeal in the 8th District Court of Appeals."

"Cleveland's racist mainstream media will snub Blacks just like the Oscars do," Coleman said.

As to Saturday's rally and march in Cleveland, Cleveland Channel 5 News interviewed a White man and White woman, and Channel 19 News coverage promoted Whites and men, Coleman said.

This too is a regular thing for them relative to the annual women's march, said Coleman, if they cover the event at all.

And Cleveland Fox 8 News will push a Black who had nothing to do with organizing the event to undermine Black organizers.

This year, however, the conservative television station just simply featured Whites in covering the event, Coleman said.


Women in greater Cleveland  joined women across the globe and nationally on Jan 18 for the annual march, which began in 2017 following the inauguration of President Trump, who dogged women during his 2016 campaign for president against Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, the first woman Democratic nominee of a major American political party.

Marches were also held in the Ohio cities of Akron, Delaware, Cincinnati, Canton and Dayton.

In 2017 millions of United States women took to the streets in their fight for women and even today Women's March is one of the few groups remaining among some 32 that took on Trump since his inauguration three-years-ago, including the tax march, the march  for science, and the families belong together march.



The non-partisan anniversary event in Cleveland featured Cleveland Rape Crisis Center President and CEO Sondra Miller, state Rep Juanita Brent of Cleveland and the Rev Tony Minor as keynote speakers, and state Sen Nickie Antonio of Lakewood as the opening speaker.

Cleveland Councilmen Matt Zone and Joe Jones also spoke, and Zone announced that he will soon introduce an ordinance for a safe leave policy for paid leave from work were needed for victims of domestic violence and abuse.


Some 20 greater Cleveland activist groups participated  and activists were also be among the speakers. Those groups, or group members, included Black on Black Crime Inc., Imperial Women Coalition, National Congress of Black Women Cleveland Chapter, Black Lives Matter, Greater Cleveland Independent Black Journalist, International Women's Day March Cleveland,  League of Women Voters, Greater Cleveland Immigrant Support Network, Move to Amend, Peace Action, Women Speak Out for Peace and Justice, Carl Stokes Brigade, National Congress of Black Women, BEMAD, Protecting Our Children's Safety, Refuse Fascism Ohio, Northeast Ohio Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign, Organize Ohio, Badass Teachers, Coalition to Stop the Inhumanity in the Cuyahoga County Jail, Action Together Lakewood, Cuyahoga County Progressive Caucus, Stop Targeting Ohio's Poor, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio,  Black Man's Army, and the Black Women's PAC of Greater Cleveland.

The issues at the rally at City Hall ranged from the policies out of Washington, D.C. and civil, voting and reproductive rights to education, racism, sexism, climate change, equal pay, jobs, taxes, immigration and religious and other bigotry.

Rally speakers also addressed healthcare, violence against women, criminal justice reform, excessive force, science and technology, and the LGBTQ community, among a host of other concerns. and, Ohio's most read digital Black newspaper and Black blog, both also at the top in Black digital news in the Midwest. Tel: (216) 659-0473. Email: Coleman is an experienced Black political reporter who covered the 2008 presidential election for the Call and Post Newspaper in Cleveland, Ohio and the presidential elections in 2012 and 2016 As to the one-on-one interview by Coleman with Obama CLICK HERE TO READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE AT CLEVELAND URBAN NEWS.COM, OHIO'S LEADER IN BLACK DIGITAL NEWS.


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