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Barack and Michelle Obama steal the show at 2nd night of Dems convention, make case for Kamala Harrris for president and urge people to vote in November....By,

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By Kathy Wray Coleman, editor, associate publisher-August 20, 2024,

CHICAGO, Illinois- Former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama highlighted the second night of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) Tuesday in Chicago, Illinois, and made the case for Vice President Kamala Harris for president, and they stole the show, saying "we [Americans] are ready for a President Kamala Harris."

Harris is by some standards an Obama political protege previously groomed by the Obama's and Democrats for her role as vice president, and now president. She will face Republican presidential nominee and former president Donald Trump for the Nov. 5 presidential election as the nominee for the Democratic Party.

An ivy league lawyer, Michele Obama spoke before introducing her husband and was simply fabulous as she outlined what she says Harris will do for America. She emphasized the importance of getting out the Black and other vote at the ballot box in November and she framed Harris as a comeback kid for the country at a tiring time of political divisiveness nationwide.

"America, hope is making a comeback," said Michelle Obama before she lit into Trump comment after comment, including suggesting the former president's policies are anti-Democratic and anti-Black and that he is irrational and dangerous to the welfare of the country.

"Whose going to tell him that one of those jobs he wants is one of those Black jobs?" Michelle Obama said in referencing Trump's campaign racial antics during her 15 min speech.

The nation's first Black president, Obama was elected president in 2008 and won a second four-year term in 2012.

Then a California attorney general, Harris campaigned for him for his reelection bid in 2012, including campaign stops in Cleveland, Ohio, a Democratic stronghold and largely Black major American city that sits in Cuyahoga County, also a Democratic stronghold and the second largest of Ohio's 88 counties..

Michele Obama introduced her husband as "the 44th president and the love of my life."

Like his wife Michelle did during her speech, Obama also took on Trump when he spoke as he exercised the oratory brilliance that propelled him to the presidency in 2008 when he was a junior U.S. senator from Chicago representing the state of Illinois. At times the Chicago arena where the DNC is being conveniently held went silent as Obama spoke.

Obama reminded the Dems at the convention that he had accepted the Democratic nomination for president 16 years ago. And he gave almost a lesson in politics on the importance of electing Harris president.

"If we work like we've never worked before we will elect Kamala Harris the next president of the United States and Tim Waltz the next vice president," Obama said in concluding his speech to a standing ovation.

If she wins the November election that she and her fellow Democrats have deemed historic and the most important election in the country's history, Kamala Harris will become the nation's first Black and first female president. and, the most read Black digital newspaper and Black blog in Ohio and in the Midwest. Tel: (216) 659-0473. Email: We interviewed former president Barack Obama one-on-one when he was campaigning for president. As to the Obama interview. CLICK HERE TO READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE AT CLEVELAND URBAN NEWs.COM


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