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Imperial Women want NAACP to investigate Cleveland mainstream news media for ousting Black women anchors Ramona Robinson, Stacey Bell, Kimberly Gill

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(Editors note: Since the debut of this article Anchor Ramona Robinson joined  Cleveland's 19 Action New Team as a 6:00 pm anchor).

CLEVELAND, Ohio-The Imperial Women call for an investigation by the Cleveland NAACP on whether Black women anchors at local Cleveland mainstream television news stations are being discriminated against and wrongly ousted in the predominantly Black major metropolitan city of Cleveland.

Cleveland News Net 5 Anchor Kimberly Gill, Cleveland Channel 3 News Anchor Ramona Robinson, and Cleveland Fox 8 News Anchor Stacey Bell all left their posts last year.

Robinson was replaced by Russ Mitchell, who is Black, and Gill and Bell were replaced with Whites. (Editor's note: Since this article Gill's White male replacement has been replaced by Mike Dunston, who is Black)

Sharon Reed, a Black news anchor at 19 Action News with a master's degree from North Western University's prestigious Medill School of Journalism, is off the air too, and with no explanation to the Black community on Reed or the others.

Former Cleveland Channel 3 News Anchor Ramona Robinson

Former Cleveland Fox 8 News Anchor Stacey Bell

Former Cleveland News Net 5 Anchor Kimberly Gill

19 Action News Anchor Sharon Reed, who is not currently on the air

From the Metro Desk of Cleveland Urban News.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com

Below is a Facebook discussion precipitated on the controversial issue by Cleveland Fox 8 News Anchor Wayne Dawson, who is Black, and whom community activists support. It started when Dawson, on Jan. 11, put up the below picture on his Facebook page of the Fox 8 Morning Show of himself, Stephanie Schaffer, and Kristi Carpel, both White women. He was celebrating the addition of Carpel to the local morning show in place of the popular Tracy McCool, who is also White.

When questions then arose about race in the Facebook comments around the picture of the trio and the celebration of Carpel to the Fox 8 Morning Show, the discussion escalated. That discussion highlights the status of Bell having left Channel 8, Robinson's departure at Channel 3, and the non-renewal of Gill's contract by Channel 5. And community activists want to know where Reed is since she disappeared last year as news anchor of a television channel that caters to the Black community.

But the Facebook dispute below ends with a greater understanding by some of the need for fair play for Black anchors at major news stations in the majority Black city of Cleveland, a city with roughly 400,000 people.

Wayne Dawson (On Facebook)

The new Fox 8 News in the Morning team members of Kristi Carpel (lt.), Stephanie Schaffer and Wayne Dawson are pictured below per the Facebook Page of Dawson. The Facebook comments around the the picture and the status of Black women anchors in the majority Black city of Cleveland escalated into a discussion on where Black female anchors for Cleveland television news stations have gone.

      • ·  ·  · January 11 at 12:03pm near Beachwood · 
          • Kathy Wray Coleman CBS 60 Minutes examines Cleveland's foreclosure crisis but not the corruption of stealing homes with ghost mortgage companies by common pleas court , Judge John O'Donnell, Sheriff Bob Reid for mortgage companies like Chase Home Finance at reduced prices. See this video at
            Cleveland Urban News.Com, Your Urban News Connection
            January 11 at 12:08pm ·  · 
          • Cynthia Hola Frye Luv It!!!!!
            January 11 at 12:10pm · 
          • Sabrina Dix Where is McCool?
            January 11 at 12:17pm ·  ·  1
          • Kris Bradford wow!! i think this picture and status is to welcome kristi to the crew i think ! good luck kristi!
            January 11 at 12:17pm · 
          • Kris Bradford ill anwser that,,,,shes on at 5 with bill martin now,,,,,
            January 11 at 12:18pm · 
          • Lisa Peachez Watts Hi kristi i love watchn u on tv u be making me laugh all the time andneed that! Good luck!
            January 11 at 12:33pm · 
          • Cindy Bowen Bush r u kidding me?? if a white women wrote this there would be all kinds of shit going on get a life bitch its idiots like you that keep this crap going
            January 11 at 12:33pm · 
          • Cindy Bowen Bush LOLOLOLOL like I said get a life bitch
            January 11 at 12:41pm · 
          • Kate Robertson Mervine There has got to be a much better place for that debate. Congratulations to the morning team on their newest member! :)
            January 11 at 12:41pm · 
          • Kathleen M Nofel I'm so glad so joined the team!
            January 11 at 12:45pm · 
          • Kathy Wray Coleman We asked Wayne Dawson to moderate our debate that we had on the county prosecutor candidates and he would not even give us the courtesy of a telephone call. I guess he cannot call Black women who seek his professional assistance. If he is going to show us pictures posing with White women then we shall call him out if he is rude to Black women. Two women of The Imperial Women called him for the debate and he was rude and did not think he had to return the phone calls. I like him and we still support him but we shall call out Black brothers when we need to since we are community activists.
            January 11 at 12:45pm ·  ·  1
          • Sharon L. Tehoke ‎@Kathy Wray Coleman - why do you have to pull race into it?? sad
            January 11 at 12:47pm ·  ·  3
          • Cindy Bowen Bush your responses show your lack of intelligence. You dont think before you speak, and I cant converse with idiots,
            January 11 at 12:47pm · 
          • Cindy Bowen Bush ‎@Sharon, I blocked her
            January 11 at 12:49pm ·  ·  1
          • Sharon L. Tehoke Well, Kristi wouldn't be my first choice - but congrats.
            January 11 at 12:49pm · 
          • Kris Bradford she posted that statement once already and obvisoly somebody from the staion deleted so she wrote again,,,,,rude
            January 11 at 12:50pm · 
          • Cindy Bowen Bush she is rude
            January 11 at 12:51pm · 
          • Tracy Cannon King Kathy Wray Coleman, your post are totally inappropriate on this status. Nothing is wrong with a race discussion, however do it on another post. This post was to welcome Kristi. There is always a time and a forum. This is not it.
            January 11 at 12:52pm ·  ·  2
          • Kathy Wray Coleman What is wrong with a discussion on race? We support Wayne in the Black community and elsewhere and he is a dynamic speaker and an asset to FOX 8 News, but we can call him to task if we need to. We appreciate the excellent coverage around The Imperial Ave Murders by Fox 8 news. Read more
            Cleveland Urban News.Com, Your Urban News Connection
            January 11 at 12:53pm ·  · 
          • Tracy Cannon King I miss Tracy McCool. They seemed more vibrant when she was on the show. I wish them much success and happiness. Congrats Kristi.
            January 11 at 12:54pm ·  ·  1
          • Sharon L. Tehoke This is not the place to discuss it - this pic is of a new part of the a.m. team. If you have a gripe about it, post it on his page or somewhere else on the fox 8 page. What's next - are you going to say Bill Martin is racist because they replaced Stacey Bell with a white woman?? Shame on you Kathy
            January 11 at 12:58pm ·  ·  2
          • Tracy Cannon King Again, your post are about race. Make it a post on your page and allow Fox 8 viewers to celebrate Kristi. Your views have NOTHING to do with Kristi being the new Fox 8 morning anchor and it is just RUDE.
            January 11 at 1:09pm ·  ·  1
          • Kathy Wray Coleman So Stacey Bell did not leave on her own volition? If this is the case then collectively, The Imperial Women do have a gripe with that. In fact, we are investigating News Channels 19, 8, 3, 5 and 43 to see if Black reporters and anchors are being discriminated against where I have received reports as a journalist and community activist as to Stacey Bell at News Channel 8, Ramona Robinson on Channel 3, and Kimberly Gill on Channel 5, among others, and all of whom are Black women.
            January 11 at 1:09pm · 
          • Anshawn M. Ivery I love it
            January 11 at 1:11pm ·  ·  1
          • Kathy Wray Coleman On second thought, this is an issue of public concern and can be discussed pursuant to the free speech clause under the 1st Amendment. The city of Cleveland is predominantly Black and if Black women are being disenfranchised by the mainstream media we intend to deal with it.
            January 11 at 1:12pm · 
          • Kathy Wray Coleman Nobody deleted my posts I did it to rewrite it do to menacing where I was called names following it. What makes you think that Channel 8 is so unfair to single me out and delete my posts? We must deal with the reason that Black anchors are losing their jobs in a predominantly Black city and any Blacks that lack the courage to do so can know that we as community activists do not.
            January 11 at 1:17pm · 
          • Phyllis Mzspoiled Kizer Stacey Frey would have made a fit she has a sense of humor. Just my thought.
            January 11 at 1:18pm ·  ·  5
          • Tina Quirarte Loeffler Kathy Wray Coleman...What YOU are not getting is that this post is not about YOU or your annoying group. When you invade a status with opinions on things that have nothing to do with the original topic, you do your group no good and garner no supporters. Keep that in mind.
            January 11 at 1:25pm ·  ·  2
          • Tina Quirarte Loeffler And funny that you weren't "bitching when it was Tracy McCool and Stephanie Schaffer...just when Kristie gets added. Makes no sense and shows no consistency or leadership in your organization.
            January 11 at 1:27pm ·  ·  2
          • Kathy Wray Coleman This is about the potential mistreatment and discrimination against qualified Black female anchors at local news channels in a majority Black city. I'm sorry that you find it annoying.
            January 11 at 1:27pm · 
          • Tina Quirarte Loeffler NOOOO...this post is about Wayne Dawson and the new AM crew. DUH! And the black Women anchors that were here before left on their own decisions. So you have no bitch.
            January 11 at 1:29pm ·  ·  2
          • Kathy Wray Coleman Let's be honest here. They did not all leave on their own volition and dismissed Channel 5 News Anchor Kimberly Gill said so in a news article to the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Do your homework.
            January 11 at 1:33pm · 
          • Marcus Anthony Mayo She's hot
            January 11 at 1:42pm · 
          • Sharon L. Tehoke Kathy - just take color out of it - COMPLETELY! SHEESH. I am done here
            January 11 at 1:49pm ·  ·  1
          • Angela Heard nice pic
            January 11 at 1:58pm · 
          • Willie A Pope How did this conversation even get to race???? So ridiculous! And if you want to bring up the discrimination issue how come Wayne has been there for HOW MANY YEARS???? Find something else to talk about please!
            January 11 at 1:59pm · 
          • Marcus Anthony Mayo Thank u willie
            January 11 at 2:09pm · 
          • Melvin Eugene Hodge Jr. OK, NICE PICTURE
            January 11 at 2:19pm · 
          • Kathy Wray Coleman Wayne Dawson is not a Black woman, the last I heard.
            January 11 at 2:26pm · 
          • Kathy Wray Coleman Imperial Women want NAACP to investigate Cleveland mainstream news media for ousting Black women anchors Stacey Bell, Kimberly Gill, Ramona Robinson. Read this article
            Cleveland Urban News.Com, Your Urban News Connection
            January 11 at 3:01pm ·  · 
          • Christopher Asher very good picture of the new crew
            January 11 at 3:14pm · 
          • Mike Maynard No thanks.
            January 11 at 3:22pm · 
          • Kris Bradford ill put my 2 cents in why not,,,,,,,stacy bell i believe DID leave on her own,,,,,,,
            January 11 at 3:25pm · 
          • Lem Adams Hey Wayne, you are the man......great pic
            January 11 at 3:31pm · 
          • Constance Williams Hi Wayne, I kind of figured Kristi would take Tracey place but it will not be the same. What is she going to do about her 10:00 show? and what happened to Val Berry? , She vanished . I hope all is well for her and she went on to bigger and better things. I'm glad they finally got the station together that was a mess. Good luck to you all.
            January 11 at 4:13pm · 
          • Constance Stevens Nice picture guys! Great Job in the morning!
            January 11 at 4:51pm · 
          • Debbie Michaels Before we judge her and Wayne, give her a chance. So everyone, calm down and don't get your panty hose in an uproar!
            January 11 at 4:54pm · 
          • Kathy Wray Coleman What happen to Sharon Reed as anchor on 19 Action News? Does anybody know? If she has been ousted because she is Black, single and allegedly pregnant then that might be a violation of the equal protection clause under the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution.Sharon is the fourth missing Black female anchor in addition to Stacey Bell at Channel 8, Ramona Robinson at Channel 3 and Kimberly Gill at Channel 5. And any Black that complains has to be called out of his or her name. How sad in America and in Cleveland, the second most segregated city in the nation behind Boston. The pendulum has swung back since the illegalities of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s and Black women are apparently at risk.
            January 11 at 5:20pm · 
          • Bonnie Churchill love it good luc
            January 11 at 5:49pm · 
          • Debbie Michaels I haven't heard about Sharon since I was home for the summer. She is a damn good reporter at that. Mike Trivisono always got to her at times. That I didn't like. She held her composure.
            January 11 at 5:58pm · 
          • Denise Banks-Knight Welcome Welcome Welcome I love you all but I miss Tracey terrible so now I watch it at 5 too.
            January 11 at 6:08pm · 
          • Toni Anderson R u guys still going to color coordinate? Just not the same wirhout Tracy, but ill give it a shot. Congrats to the new a.m. team
            January 11 at 7:15pm · 
          • Kathy Wray Coleman I must say that Wayne does look mighty handsome in the picture, and this is only a professional comment.
            January 12 at 2:27am · 
          • Debbie Michaels Good girl! Tell it like it is.
            January 12 at 9:39am · 
          • Gee-Gee Barron Very nice!
            January 12 at 6:53pm · 
          • Kathy Wray Coleman As activists when four Black qualified anchor women are missing and at least three have been replaced with non-Blacks, we must raise questions, even if we are cursed at and harassed by certain ignorant White women. We believe in fair play regardless of race or gender and have nothing against Kristi are any of the anchors, but in the 1960's we were cursed at and killed for challenging racially insensitive activity.
            2 minutes ago · 



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