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County Prosecutor Bill Mason Employee Lily Miller Under Fire For Calling Blacks Nigger, Wanting Black Men Hanged, Pushing White Masks, Journalist Coleman Says Mason Allegedly Had Miller Defame Her Online For Complaining, Why Hasn't Mason Been Indicted?

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By Kathy Wray Coleman, Editor, Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com( and (

CLEVELAND, Ohio-An employee in the child support enforcement department for Cuyahoga County prosecutor Bill Mason (pictured), who is not running for reelection this year following a public corruption probe and claims that he knew about it and overlooked the malfeasance, is under fire by community activists for calling Blacks "nigger," demanding that Black men be hanged, and promoting White supremacy with White masks that are considered offensive to Blacks.

The commotion began when Lily Miller, a former deputy bailiff for Cleveland Municipal Housing Court Judge Ray Pianka and current county employee under Mason's guidance, put up a poll on the Internet social media web site of RealNeo.Us asking if it is okay for Whites to call Blacks nigger with an option of selecting that being called nigger "is legal," and another option of whether it is okay because being a "nigger is what it is."

Miller did not use the the phrase n-word and instead chose to use nigger repeatedly, and she re-posted the poll, even after Blacks like Community Activist Kathy Wray Coleman, a former freelance reporter for the Call and Post Newspaper who now publishes and edits Cleveland Urban News.Com, complained and tried to take the poll down.

Coleman said that RealNeo operator and domain holder Jeff Buster, who is White like Miller, would not take it down either and then White bloggers at the site began highlighting the word "nigger" in articles and posts and attacking and defaming her on the Internet.

Coleman, who still has time to sue for documented defamation and says she will sue Mason, Miller and other county affiliates,  unless it is taken off line,  said that after she complained to Mason's office his spokesperson, Michael O'Malley, allegedly told her that Mason, whom the Plain Dealer , Cleveland's Largest Newspaper, said reportedly had a potential unlawful interest with a public contract relative to a computer wiz that he hired for the county,  was in the room with him during the telephone conversation.

According to Coleman, O'Malley, who is White, called it free speech, and  she was harassed even more by Miller, with repeated defamatory remarks online, and with Buster's approval.

Buster allegedly told Coleman that he was doing the bidding of some corrupt White judges that she had written about, and said he needed their permission to take the defamation down.

The defamation includes Coleman purported to be in in drag online when it is really pictures of former East Cleveland Mayor Eric Brewer, who made national news as a cross dresser during an reelection campaign that he lost to now East Cleveland Mayor Gary Norton.

The White face supremacy masks, said Coleman, were put up through enlarged pictures on RealNeo because Miller knows that historically that kind of activity is offensive to the Black community.

Miller also commented on RealNeo relative to former CMHA Executive Director George Phillips-Oliver, who is Black, saying that he should be hanged and to "hang him high," comments that were subsequently removed from the web site.

Coleman believes that it was all an effort to discourage her from  articles on Cleveland.Com and her blogging at , including articles on alleged mortgage fraud by Cuyahoga County Sheriff Bob Reid and Cuyahoga County Judge John O'Donnell, race discrimination, the Cuyahoga County Corruption probe that to date has netted over 50 guilty pleas or convictions by elected officials or their affiliates, and judicial malfeasance by area judges. Those judges, said Coleman, include O'Donnell, Cleveland Municipal Court Judges Ron Adrine, Michelle Earley and former judge Lynn McLaughlin Murray, McGinty, Berea Municipal Court Judge Mark Comstock, Lyndhurst Municipal Court Judge Mary Kaye Bozza, Shaker Hts Municipal Court Judge K.J. Montgomery, Bedford Municipal Court Judge Harry Jacob, Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas Judge Daniel Gaul, Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas Presiding and Administrative Judge Nancy Fuerst and Ohio Eighth District Court of Appeals Judge Kathleen Ann Keough.

"White supremacy masks are the beginning and next we can probably expect KKK-type White hoods and employees of Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Bill Mason should not be calling Blacks nigger and then harassing them when they complain," said Coleman. "We again call for Mr. Mason to set a standard of racial tolerance in is office and by his employees on and off the job rather than to allegedly push this sort of thing under the guise of free speech, and why hasn't he been indicted like former Cuyahoga County Commissioner Jimmy Dimora and former county auditor Frank Russo."

Coleman said that she will refer the matter to the Cleveland FBI as a potential hate crime and that it is still under investigation by community activists and others. She said she lodged a complaint with University Hts police but it was initially ignored after police there found out that Miller is employed under Mason.

Coleman says that Miller is also harassing her allegedly for Mason in retaliation for articles on McGinty's alleged malfeasance on the common pleas court bench and harassment of Blacks, women, community activists and others.

The Democratic nominee for county prosecutor this year, McGinty has a record of harassing Blacks and women on and off the bench including as a former assistant county prosecutor who prosecuted Black men later released from prison on false rape complaints filed by White women that later recant.

Reach Journalist Kathy Wray Coleman at and phone number: 216-932-3114.



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