By Kathy Wray Coleman, Executive Publisher, Editor, Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog
CLEVELAND, Ohio- After coming off of a win where polls showed that he trampled Republican Presidential Nominee Mitt Romey during the third and final presidential debate, which was Monday night on foreign affairs at Lynn University in New York, President Barack Obama will speak to grassroots supporters Thursday night at Burke Lakefront Airport in downtown Cleveland, OH.
"The president was on his A game during the debate Monday night and Mitt Romney was all over the place with mumble jumble and cowboy diplomacy," said state Rep. John E. Barnes Jr (D-12), a Cleveland Democrat who said that he will be among a host of Democrats in Ohio, including Cleveland area Black elected officials, that will be out this evening to hear the first Black president of the United States of America speak to the American people.
The free tickets that were open to the public on a first come-first serve basis are all gone, campaign officials said.
Gates open at 5:30 pm and Obama is set to speak at 8:30 pm, according to a press release to Cleveland Urban News.Com from the Obama for America Campaign.
As the neck and neck election nears Obama leads Romney nationally and by 5 percentage points in the pivotal state of Ohio, polls show.
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