PUBLIC SQUARE CLEVELAND RALLY AND VIGIL, APRIL 13 AT 6:30 PM: By The Women's March Ohio- Cleveland, in solidarity with the national Women's March on Washington, with men by our side, will give speeches, rally and hold a vigil on Public Sqaure in downtown Cleveland on Thursday, April 13, 2017 to support the Syrian refugees and to demand that President Trump, who bombed Syria last week, allow Syrian refugees on to American soil.... Speakers include organizers Shayne Terry of the Women's March Ohio (Tel: 614-313-9165) , and Cleveland activist and editor Kathy Wray Coleman of the Imperial Women Coalition, the International Women's Day March Cleveland and (Tel: 216-659-0473), Cleveland City Council candidate Arnold Shurn, Valerie and Stewart Robinson, activist Genevieve Mitchell, the Rev. Pamela Pinkney-Butts, and Don Bryant of the Greater Cleveland Immigrant Support Network.....BRING CANDLES......