WASHINGTON, D.C-President Barack Obama will officially kick off his reelection campaign with First Lady Michelle Obama by his side at a public rally on Sat. morning May 5 at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Oh., his campaign team told Cleveland Urban News.Com in a conference call with reporters Weds. evening.
The Democratic president will then go to Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA that same day for an afternoon rally.
And Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is campaigning Ohio today, touring the state with Gov. John Kacish, also a Republican.
Asked by Cleveland Urban News.Com if the Obama campaign is threatened in anyway with the prospect that U.S. Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio, a former congressman and budget director for the Bush administration, will be Romney's vice presidential running mate on the Republican ticket, the president's campaign said that "the contest is about the two men at the top of the ticket and their competing philosophies."